How to Move a House

Discover how to move a house with this comprehensive guide. Learn about the planning, costs, and steps involved in relocating a home safely and efficiently.

Moving a house, also known as house relocation, is a complex and challenging process that involves lifting a structure from its foundation and transporting it to a new location. Whether you’re looking to preserve a historic home or need to relocate due to land use changes, moving a house requires meticulous planning, coordination, and execution. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps, costs, and considerations involved in moving a house.

Why Move a House?

1. Historical Preservation

One of the most common reasons for moving a house is to preserve a historic building. Relocating a historic home can save it from demolition and maintain its architectural and cultural significance.

2. Land Use Changes

Sometimes, land development or zoning changes necessitate the relocation of a house. This can occur in urban areas where land use is being repurposed for commercial or infrastructural development.

3. Personal Preference

Homeowners may choose to move their house to a new location due to personal reasons, such as wanting to live in a different area or moving to a property with more space or better views.

Planning the Move

1. Feasibility Study

Before deciding to move a house, conduct a feasibility study. This involves assessing the structural integrity of the house, the distance to the new location, and the obstacles that may be encountered along the way.

2. Obtain Permits and Approvals

Moving a house requires various permits and approvals from local authorities. Contact your local building department to understand the regulations and obtain the necessary permits.

3. Hire Professional Movers

House moving is not a DIY project. Hire professional house movers who have the expertise, equipment, and experience to handle the relocation safely and efficiently.

4. Plan the Route

Planning the route is crucial to avoid obstacles such as low bridges, power lines, and narrow roads. The moving company will conduct a route survey to ensure a smooth journey.

Steps to Move a House

1. Prepare the House

Step 1: Structural Assessment

  • A structural engineer will inspect the house to ensure it can withstand the move. Necessary reinforcements may be added to strengthen the structure.

Step 2: Disconnect Utilities

  • Disconnect all utilities, including water, gas, electricity, and sewage. This must be done safely and in accordance with local regulations.

Step 3: Remove Fixtures

  • Remove any fixtures, such as chimneys, decks, or porches, that could be damaged during the move or make the house too wide for transport.

2. Lift the House

Step 1: Install Steel Beams

  • Steel beams are inserted under the house to provide support and distribute weight evenly. Hydraulic jacks are placed under the beams to lift the house.

Step 2: Lift the House

  • Using hydraulic jacks, the house is slowly lifted off its foundation. The lifting process must be done gradually to prevent damage to the structure.

3. Transport the House

Step 1: Place on Dollies

  • Once lifted, the house is placed on dollies or a specialized trailer designed for transporting buildings.

Step 2: Move to New Location

  • The house is carefully transported to the new location, following the planned route. Traffic management and road closures may be necessary to facilitate the move.

4. Reinstall the House

Step 1: Prepare New Foundation

  • The new site must have a prepared foundation that matches the house’s dimensions. Ensure the foundation is level and properly constructed.

Step 2: Lower the House

  • The house is carefully lowered onto the new foundation using hydraulic jacks and steel beams. This process requires precision to ensure the house is level and secure.

Step 3: Reconnect Utilities

  • Reconnect all utilities to the house and ensure they are functioning correctly. Perform necessary inspections to confirm safety and compliance with local codes.

Costs Involved in Moving a House

Moving a house is a significant financial investment. Costs can vary widely based on several factors:

1. Size and Weight of the House

Larger and heavier houses require more equipment and resources to move, increasing the overall cost.

2. Distance to New Location

The distance the house needs to be moved will affect the cost. Longer distances require more planning, permits, and transportation logistics.

3. Route Challenges

Obstacles such as narrow roads, low bridges, and utility lines can add complexity and cost to the move. Additional equipment and labor may be needed to navigate these challenges.

4. Foundation Work

Preparing a new foundation that matches the house’s specifications is a significant cost. This includes excavation, concrete work, and site preparation.

5. Permits and Inspections

Obtaining permits and conducting inspections are necessary expenses. Fees vary depending on local regulations and the scope of the project.

Considerations and Tips

1. Choose the Right Movers

Select a reputable moving company with experience in house relocations. Check reviews, ask for references, and verify their credentials and insurance.

2. Plan Ahead

House moving is a complex process that requires detailed planning. Start planning well in advance to ensure all aspects are covered and to avoid last-minute issues.

3. Communicate with Authorities

Maintain open communication with local authorities and utility companies. Ensure all necessary permits are obtained and coordinate with them for road closures or other logistical needs.

4. Inspect the New Site

Ensure the new site is ready for the house. Check for accessibility, soil conditions, and compliance with zoning laws and building codes.


Moving a house is a monumental task that requires careful planning, professional expertise, and significant investment. By understanding the steps involved, the costs, and the necessary preparations, you can successfully relocate your home to a new location. Whether preserving a historic building or moving to a new area, house relocation can be a rewarding endeavor with the right approach and resources.


1. How long does it take to move a house?

The entire process, including planning, lifting, transporting, and reinstalling, can take several weeks to a few months, depending on the complexity and distance of the move.

2. Can all houses be moved?

Not all houses are suitable for moving. Factors such as structural integrity, size, and location can affect the feasibility of relocating a house. A structural assessment is necessary to determine if a house can be moved.

3. Is moving a house environmentally friendly?

Moving a house can be environmentally friendly as it reduces the need for new construction materials and minimizes waste. It preserves existing structures and can be part of sustainable building practices.

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