Who To Call for Electrical Problems and When To Get Help

Discover who to call for electrical problems and when to get professional help. Learn about common electrical issues, safety tips, and how to find a qualified electrician.

Electricity is an essential part of modern living, powering everything from our lights and appliances to our heating and cooling systems. However, electrical problems can be dangerous and require immediate attention.

Knowing who to call for electrical problems and when to get professional help can ensure your home’s safety and functionality. This guide will cover common electrical issues, safety tips, and how to find a qualified electrician.

Common Electrical Problems in Homes

Understanding common electrical problems can help you identify when it’s time to call a professional. Here are some issues homeowners frequently encounter:

1. Frequent Electrical Surges

Electrical surges can be caused by lightning strikes, damaged power lines, faulty appliances, or poor electrical wiring in the house. Frequent surges can damage electrical components and appliances, reducing their lifespan.

2. Circuit Breaker Tripping Often

Circuit breakers are designed to trip when a circuit is overloaded. If your circuit breaker trips frequently, it could indicate a serious problem with your electrical system.

3. Flickering or Dimming Lights

Flickering or dimming lights can be a sign of poor wiring or a problem with the circuit. It could also indicate that the electrical system is overloaded and needs upgrading.

4. Electrical Shocks

Experiencing a mild shock when plugging in or unplugging an appliance can indicate an underlying electrical issue. While minor shocks might seem harmless, they can signify a bigger problem.

5. High Electrical Bills

Unusually high electrical bills can result from several factors, including faulty wiring, outdated appliances, or an inefficient electrical system.

6. Outlets Not Working

If an outlet is not working, it could be due to a tripped circuit breaker, a faulty outlet, or wiring issues. Outlets that feel warm to the touch or emit sparks are particularly concerning and need immediate attention.

When to Call an Electrician

Knowing when to call an electrician can prevent small problems from becoming major hazards. Here are situations when you should seek professional help:

1. Persistent Electrical Issues

If you experience ongoing electrical problems, such as frequent surges, flickering lights, or tripping breakers, it’s time to call an electrician. Persistent issues can indicate serious problems that need expert attention.

2. Upgrading Electrical Systems

If you’re planning to upgrade your electrical system, add new appliances, or renovate your home, you’ll need an electrician to ensure everything is up to code and safely installed.

3. Electrical Shocks

Any electrical shock, even a minor one, should be investigated by a professional. Electrical shocks can be a sign of faulty wiring or other serious issues.

4. Burning Smell or Sparks

If you notice a burning smell, see sparks, or feel heat coming from an outlet or electrical device, turn off the power and call an electrician immediately. These are signs of potentially dangerous electrical problems.

5. High Energy Bills

If your energy bills are unexpectedly high, an electrician can help identify the cause. They can check for inefficient appliances, faulty wiring, or other issues that might be driving up your energy costs.

6. Home Safety Inspections

Regular electrical inspections are essential, especially if your home is older. An electrician can identify and fix potential hazards before they become dangerous.

How to Find a Qualified Electrician

Finding a qualified electrician is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of your electrical system. Here’s how to find the right professional:

1. Check Credentials and Licenses

Ensure the electrician is licensed and certified to perform electrical work in your area. Check with your local licensing authority to verify their credentials.

2. Ask for Recommendations

Ask friends, family, and neighbors for recommendations. Personal referrals can provide insights into the electrician’s reliability and quality of work.

3. Read Reviews

Look up online reviews and ratings for electricians in your area. Websites like Yelp, Google, and Angie’s List can provide valuable feedback from past customers.

4. Verify Insurance

Make sure the electrician carries adequate insurance, including liability and worker’s compensation. This protects you in case of accidents or damage during the job.

5. Request Estimates

Get estimates from multiple electricians before making a decision. This helps you compare prices and understand the scope of work involved.

6. Ask About Experience

Choose an electrician with experience in handling the specific electrical issues you’re facing. Experienced professionals are more likely to provide efficient and effective solutions.

Safety Tips for Homeowners

While waiting for an electrician, there are some safety measures you can take to protect yourself and your home:

1. Turn Off Power

If you suspect an electrical problem, turn off the power to the affected area at the circuit breaker. This prevents further damage and reduces the risk of shock.

2. Avoid Water

Keep electrical devices and outlets away from water. If an electrical device falls into water, do not attempt to retrieve it while it’s plugged in.

3. Use Proper Outlets

Ensure all outlets in wet areas, such as bathrooms and kitchens, are equipped with Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs). GFCIs shut off power if they detect a ground fault, preventing shocks.

4. Do Not Overload Circuits

Avoid overloading circuits by plugging in too many devices at once. Use power strips with surge protectors to distribute the load evenly.

5. Inspect Cords and Outlets

Regularly inspect cords and outlets for signs of damage or wear. Replace any damaged components immediately to prevent electrical fires.


Electrical problems can be dangerous and require prompt attention from a qualified professional. By knowing who to call and when to get help, you can ensure your home’s electrical system remains safe and functional. Remember to take preventive measures, regularly inspect your electrical system, and seek professional help when needed.


1. What should I do if my circuit breaker keeps tripping?

If your circuit breaker keeps tripping, it could indicate an overloaded circuit, a short circuit, or a ground fault. Turn off all devices on that circuit and reset the breaker. If it continues to trip, call an electrician to diagnose and fix the problem.

2. How often should I have my home’s electrical system inspected?

It’s recommended to have your home’s electrical system inspected by a licensed electrician every 3-5 years, or more frequently if you live in an older home or experience frequent electrical issues.

3. Can I do any electrical repairs myself?

While some minor electrical tasks, like replacing a light switch or outlet cover, can be done by homeowners, it’s best to leave more complex repairs and installations to a licensed electrician to ensure safety and compliance with local codes.

By following these guidelines, you can address electrical problems promptly and maintain a safe and efficient electrical system in your home.

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